Roadshow Succes Met Google

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 at 11:16

Google Partner Logo

Dit najaar organiseren Google Partners en Syntra een gratis opleiding voor ondernemers onder de naam ‘Succes met Google’. Na een succesvol pilootproject in juni 2015, worden in oktober acht Belgische steden bezocht.

Syntra nodigt via hun netwerk studenten, oud-studenten en ondernemers uit de streek uit. Google zorgt voor de invulling van de avond. Concreet leren we hoe we beter kunnen scoren op de zoekmachine van Google. Hiervoor komen verschillende technieken aan bod, bijv. het aanmaken van een Google Mijn Bedrijf profiel, basis technieken rond SEO (Search Engine Optimization) en SEA (adverteren op de zoekmachine)

In een sessie van 2u bent u al heel wat wijzer en krijgt u praktische tips om zelf aan de slag te gaan. AdSpecialist is trainer van deze Roadshows, en ik wil u dan ook van harte welkom heten. In Hasselt wordt de sessie gegeven door BakerMEN. AdSpecialist is hier ook op aanwezig in het publiek

De laatste drie roadshows voor oktober staan deze week op het programma. Er zijn nog op alle roadshows plaatsen, dus schrijf u snel in!


 Roadshow ‘Succes met Google’: Online Inschrijven


  • Sint Niklaas – 6 oktober 2015Syntra Bedrijftrainingen - Syntra Midden Vlaanderen

Adres: Hogekouter 1, 9200 Sint-Niklaas

Uur: Start om 19u – Einde 21u

Lesgever: Lore Van Besien – AdSpecialist

Schrijf u online in voor Sint-Niklaas


  • Hasselt – 7 oktober 2015Syntra Limburg

Adres: Gouverneur Verwilghensingel 40, 3500 Hasselt

Uur: Start om 19u – Einde 21u

Lesgever: Joris Roebben – BakerMEN

Schrijf u online in voor Hasselt


  • Kortrijk – 8 oktober 2015Syntra Voor Bedrijf en Medewerkers - Syntra West

Adres: Doorniksesteenweg 220, 8500 Kortrijk

Uur: Start om 19u – Einde 21u

Lesgever: Lore Van Besien – AdSpecialist

Schrijf u online in voor Kortrijk

AdWords Advanced Opleiding – Webshops

Monday, March 17th, 2014 at 17:24

Op dinsdag 15 april 2014 geef ik ik samenwerking met Indie Group een Google AdWords advanced opleiding. Dit is een opleiding van een volledige dag, specifiek gericht naar mensen die een webshop hebben of beheren.

Het is de bedoeling dat je na de training niet alleen op de hoogte bent van wat allemaal mogelijk is met Google AdWords voor webshops, maar dat je ook van elkaar inspiratie opdoet om bijv. bepaalde veel voorkomende moeilijkheden op te lossen.

We hebben het o.a. over Google Analytics en meer specifiek over de e-commerce tracking code, over het segmenteren van de bezoekers via ‘custom variables’ en over het analyseren van de data met dashboards.

Voor het onderdeel Google AdWords is wel al enige voorkennis wenselijk. We gaan dieper in over het optimaliseren naar Return-on-Ad-Spend, en alle nieuwe ontwikkelingen die er zich voordoen in Google AdWords

We zoomen nog eens extra in op het adverteren met foto’s en prijs, wat ook bekend staat als PLA (Product LIsting Ads) of Google Shopping Ads.

Als afsluiter van de dag spreken we over Display Campagnes: van Dynamic Retargeting tot Video Marketing.

Schrijf in voor de opleiding Google AdWords Advanced ‘  op de website van Indie Group. De plaatsen zijn beperkt zodat het een interactieve sessie blijft.

New multilingual AdWords and SEO ressources for agencies

Monday, September 23rd, 2013 at 20:37

Multilingual AdWords and SEO support for agencies

Every agency has come across the fact that your client’s business doesn’t stop at the country or language borders. It isn’t always easy to find good multilingual AdWords or SEO support, as this combines 2 skills: the knowledge of a language and country as a native speaker, and the know-how to build up a succesful AdWords campaign.

AdSpecialist is very happy to announce that we are currently in the progress of expanding our multilingual support for SEM agencies. You can get in touch if you need native-speaker support for following languages and locations:

Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands)
French (Belgium, France, Canada)
Spanish (Spain, US, Mexico)
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)
Italian (Italy)

 Get in touch, if you would like to set up a meeting with your agency

Multilingual AdWords Support

We both offer translated and localized AdWords campaign setup as a service, as well as the management of these campaign on a day-to-day basis. We all have a background managing multilingual account as a Xoogler (ex-Googler) for more than 6 years.

Our team has now grown with 3 new native speakers who have just recently left Google, and are aware of all the current and future updates in AdWords on an ‘insider’s’ level.


Read more on our Services for Agencies page.


Multilingual on-page SEO support

In additon to that, we now offer the translation and localization of your SEO landing pages in each of the offered languages.

We start with a keyword research for the audience’ language and country/region and will use this as a guideline for our SEO support.

We copy the structure of the current page and translate section by section into the audience’ language. This includes the content of the page, a new URL suggestion, Title and meta-title translation, rewriting of the <alt> tag and more.  When we come accross more actions you could take to  make the page rank even better, we will provide you with a very detailed description.


Monday Morning Movies – AdWords

Monday, May 27th, 2013 at 10:46

Monday Morning Movies

In a weekly inspiring video about entrepreneurship and e-commerce, AdSpecialist was interviewed by Cis Scherpereel of Indie Group. With this video, with is a part of the  ‘Monday Morning Movies‘, you get an introduction and a couple of valuable tips about setting up an AdWords campaign for e-commerces. Sorry for the non-Dutch speakers, this video is currently only available in Dutch. I’ll look into getting subtitles for this video if there is need for this. Just let me know by the commment function.

I know this is really only an introduction to e-commerce owners who have never tried to setup their own AdWords campaign. I have mentioned a couple of words as ‘e-commerce tracking code’, that probably need some more elaboration for this audience, but I  hope we’ll get to this soon by introducing new videos about different AdWords topics in the future. I hope you get inspired by this video and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have more questions or comments. If you think this type of video is helping you with the planning and setting up of your AdWords campaign, please get in touch. If I get enough feedback, I might continue this type of videos, even for a more advanced user.

Topics could be:

How do I structure my AdWords account?

How do I setup e-commerce tracking code?

How do I optimize my AdWords account for more return?

How do I use Web Analytics to better understand the behavior of the visitors on my website?

Improving Match Types vs Modified Broad

Friday, March 23rd, 2012 at 8:10

Having your AdWords keyword on the ‘Modified Broad’ match type, is a much lesser known way of restricting your keyword to appear on related searches. For me it is the most effective way to combine the advantages of ‘broad matching’ and still have the option to firmly restrict the matching for irrelevant search terms.

By just adding a ’+’ sign immediately in front of every word within the keyword string that is important for you, you could make it clear to the system what word within the keyword string is uttermost important. e.g. the keyword ‘red +tennis +shoes’ would allow search terms as ‘white tennis shoes’, but not ‘red running shoes’. The keyword ‘+red tennis +shoes’ would allow ‘red running shoes’, but not ‘white tennis shoes’. In short, the ‘+word’ can not be left out. Neither can it be replaced by anything else than a synonym (close variant) or a misspelling, a plural, accent. So, ‘+shoes’ could be replaced by ‘footwear’, but not by ‘apparel’.

Google just recently announced with improving Exact and Phrase match types that they’ll change the rules for Exact and Phrase match, so that they’ll allow misspellings, close variants, plurals as well. People that want to advertise on the ‘old’ Exact and Phrase match, will have to opt out on the campaign level.

My guess is that advertisers will set up special ‘Exact’ and ‘Phrase’ campaigns, in order to have the old ‘exact’ and ‘phrase’ rules applied. The ‘improved exact’ and ‘improved phrase’ match type option will be default, and will probably replace the old ‘Modified broad’ option.

I wonder what this will mean for the setup of our AdWords campaigns in the future. I’d love to hear your thought on it! Especially from those who are -like me- a huge fan of the modified broad match type option.

How to print AdWords invoices ?

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 at 8:17


Instruction how to print AdWords invoicesFor your financial administration, you might want to have print-outs of your online advertising costs. It is possible to print your invoices directly from the AdWords interface, but it usually takes a while to locate the exact spot. Once you find them, you might wonder how to print them. In  ‘Downloads‘, you can find the image as a downloadable PDF. This image can help you how you should proceed. Or you can simply follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Sign in to your AdWords account, and go to the gear wheel image in the top right corner.
  • Step 2: In the dropdown menu, click on ‘Billing’ or ‘Billing Overview’
  • Step 3: You are by default looking at ‘Last 3 months’. Switch to another time frame if applicable.
  • Step 4 : if you have a lot of detailed information, switch to ‘Summary’, instead of ‘Detailed’
  • Step 5: You’ll see a clickable “monthly invoice” notation in the table. Click on it to see the invoice as a blue link.. Click on them to open
  • Step 6: A new window will open within your browser with the invoice
  • Step 7: Select ‘Print’ from the top menu
  • Step 8: if the information is not complete or incorrect, check ‘Billing Preferences and change or update your billing information

Best of luck!

Welcome to the new site of AdSpecialist

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 at 15:28

AdSpecialist has been around for exactly one and a half year now. When the original website was launched, I was still in the start-up phase of the company, not knowing exactly how things would turn out. After eighteen months experience as a freelancer, I have a better understanding of what type of online marketing consultancy is needed, both for companies as for other SEA agencies.
So the website didn’t just get a revamp, it got a complete make-over. The new look suits the image of the company better, and is more attractive.
This new blog, where I hope to welcome a lot of readers, will be my way of communicating with you on new tools, tips and tricks, and I hope to get in contact through comments. The focus of the blog will be mainly AdWords, but SEO, Social Media and Google Analytics will be part of it as well.